Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Petrol Hike & Rotaract Activities

I, like every Malaysian, was shocked and surprised by the fact that there will be 30 sen increase in petrol price with effect from 28-2-2006.

I was having tea with President Harley, Rtr Eng Tee, Rtr Feilin of RAC Shah Alam and Lloyd at Bukit Tinggi on 27th night and the news came too late for me to pump up my nearly empty tank. As a result I have to pay alot more for my petrol the next morning. But even had I had the time to fill up my tank on the night before the increase, I would have just saved RM10.00 to RM12.00 only. In the longer term, the petrol increase will still have great and obvious impact on my daily life.

I read Guang Ming Daily this morning while having breakfast. Today’s heading featured “HOW TO GET ON WITH LIFE?”

It highlighted the predicament faced by ordinary family with ordinary income. For example, for a labour who had been working for the past 15 years with a salary of RM3,400.00 per month and with a family of 6 members (husband and wife and 4 children), his estimated monthly expenses would be around RM3,300.00 to RM3,400.00. In another words, he would not have any savings left. With the recent petrol price increase, his monthly expenses are expected to increase 25 percent. It is not likely that his salary will be increased in the foreseeable future. So how is he going to pay for the extra expenses?

The conclusion of the news article is that we have to live our life frugally. Do not waste money on unnecessary things, spend wisely.

This leads me to the core of my posting this time. We as rotaractors have many activities planned in a year. We are expected to attend many functions organized by our club, other clubs and district. I have no doubt that these functions are fun and usually strengthen the ties between the rotaractors and rotaract clubs. I have little doubt about that.

However, these functions also come with a price and normally they are not cheap. I just received an invitation from a president of another rotaract club inviting us to join their farewell party. It costs RM35 per person. I could pump in another extra 10.5 liter of petrol with that money!

Further it has come to the near end of the Rotaract year. As usual, clubs shall be busy organizing installation dinner and sending out invitations to other clubs. These dinner tickets, again, are not cheap and will normally cost around RM30 to RM50 per person. There is also a tendency to organize the dinner as grand as possible thus hiking up the price.

The coming District Rotaract Assembly cost RM235.00 per person as compared to RM200.00 per person last year.

The age range for rotaract club is between 18 to 30, which means the members normally consist of students with no income at all and young working adults with little salary to meet monthly commitments.

Hence, the question I pose to you is where do we strike the balance? On one hand, we have to actively participate in rotaract activities (if not what’s the point of joining rotaract?), on other hand, we could barely survive the high cost of participation.

Can I appeal to all clubs and the district that in future, all activities organized shall involve as nominal cost as possible? Then we will be able to attract more rotaractors and also potential rotaractors to join us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, since day 1 I have noticed tat joining Rotaract needs you to spend $$$ (and quite a lot of them). It depends on how you want to look at it, $$$ in return for new friends, and feel-good experience...

But somehow I will put on a BIG smile if I can have all the good things with lesser $$$.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006 6:17:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to say this but i think we must draw a line in order to justify on how much we need to spend in every month for different needs. Once the budget exceeded, something needs to be sacrificed in order to recover.

To be frank, one of my weakness is "DONT KNOW HOW TO SAY NO" thats why i overspent. Yes, is a good chance for considering the return when you spend on certain activities, but it comes down to a question on whether if you can afford it?

Thursday, March 02, 2006 10:54:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Citibank credit card - "We help you get AHEAD in life"

Diana :P

Thursday, March 02, 2006 3:06:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is the time for us to make a clear seperation for all the activities.... I see rotaract as a club that serve people, and anything other than would not be weighted much. So it depends on how you see the club. I understand that rotaract club itself has a lot of regulations and community service is just part of it. Somehow i personally think that com serv should be weighted more than others, (e.g. farewell, installation, etc) because it is crucial for a club like us to serve the people. Having a good relationship with other rotaract club is good in the sense that co-operation can be carried out smoothly in the future, and futhermore we can improve out social circle.

We can try to set an objective for the club, whereby our priority is given to com serv and we reject all kind of non-com serve related activity (except training). We choose a way to enhance the relationship with other rotaract club by doing more joint project in com serv... wouldn't it be better this way?

Friday, March 03, 2006 1:12:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Blog! Apologize for reading this blog so late after it has been posted, but it brought up a very worthy point for all of us to think about our daily expenses!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 5:14:00 pm  

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