Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Contributed by Rtr Lloyd Cheam

Playing Golf. Has it ever crossed your mind? Are you thinking about the word “rich” or “expensive”? Or you think it is heck too boring to be a game at all?

Anyway, it really does not matter what you think, golf is regarded as one of the ultimate challenging sport one person could play. I felt fortunate taking up a golf class in my senior year. I still remember vividly of my coach, Kathy talking enthusiastically in front of the class early morning, when I was still hauling my sleepy head in the class. Making sure that everyone in the class would stay awake she made us stand up to tell the class why we want to play golf? I said on that day, “I have always wanted to play golf because I cannot resist thinking it is the ultimate sport we have on earth.” She could not agree more with me.

Can you believe, even the great Jack Nicklaus, who many people regard him as the Master of Golf, way before Tiger Woods stormed the golf world, once said that he only happy with three shots out of the whole day he has played. Three shots? He must be insane! What really caught me up on this sport is the ‘mental’ that one person have to go through when they play golf. Tiger Woods quoted in his book, “The biggest test is not the person trailing behind you. In fact, it is the person within you. It is you, yourself!” I assume everyone that have spent some decent time playing golf knows it well, it is more a mental game than a physical game.

Why say so? Well, to play golf is not easy. Indeed, it is rough. I mean, my first day of playing golf totally made me wanted to quit golf forever. It was horrible!! I mean, standing at the driving range, holding a club and trying to hit a ball that is about one and a half inch large, seems impossible. Even more embarrassing, the gardener who was just passing by to water the grass seems to be suspected of stalking me. Furthermore, I kept moaning about missing a hit, or my golf club is not good enough and etc.

Of course, it was not the gardener, neither the ball, nor the club; it was of course me, the person that is hitting the golf ball. I came understand that to be able to play well in golf we have to face the reality. I have to admit that I am a lousy golfer and I cannot really hit a ball. From there, only I could really see what mistakes I have done and improve slowly from there. How dehumanizing, huh?

Imagine that I have to go through 5 months of golfing at the driving range, 100 balls per day, about 400 balls per week, and yet I am not fully confidence that I could make a good shot every time. Tell me, when it comes to a ball game, what could be more fanatical that trying to hit a ball that is only one and a half inch large, into a hole that is about 4-5 inches wide, from a distance of about 300 meters away?! It is frustrating sometimes, but we can’t help but agree that it is the best training. I think golf is the only game that really brought me to my knee that I have to be humble about it.

Tell me what I have learned from golf? Plenty. I have learned about patience, patience and patience. I still curse a lot when I play golf but maybe now I curse silently in my heart. Most importantly of all, I have changed my attitude to try to have a better game. Playing golf reminds me of being humble, patience and everything in the world will need to take some time. I dare say that it is very likely to living a better life.

Here are some tips for all beginners eager to try out golf.

1) Never get expensive golf clubs as a beginner cannot tell a Nike club from a XYZ club. Get the cheapest one you could afford to start off.
2) Don’t get a whole set. For starter, get only Iron 7 & Iron 5. Even a used one from the golf shop will do. I just bought 2 Iron clubs for only RM 60 each. (When you get to the shop, tell them precisely you need Iron 7 & Iron 5, they would understand that).
3) To start off, it is always better to have someone who knows how to play to teach you along the way. To play golf well, you need to play it right from the start. Or simply invest a book that teaches you to play. Driving range is the best place to practice your shot and it is only RM 10 for 100 balls.
4) Another important thing that I have learned is try to be a good golfer. Never curse out loud, break your club, or anything foolish, as it will distract anyone play with you or close by to you. Keep a Positive attitude!
5) Last but not least, golf is a life time game. It really takes time and patience to show some result. Once a golfer, always a golfer!

Some useful links:-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lloyd, an article well written! Look forward to reading more of your articles in future. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing with us the tips of playing golf.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 3:34:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes... and you know, ENG TEE, you need to play more golf!!!
Also, Harley, Toh, and Timmy, we need to play more golf together.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 7:22:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can hit golf ball now..after more and more practise, my "kung Fu" will b same as u.


Thursday, March 16, 2006 12:49:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo! So great, I think Lloyd will be so scared u will overtake him! He will refuse to teach u anymore!

Thursday, March 16, 2006 1:00:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurray~ ! Thanks Ah Toh, thanks for asking for me! I got a new coach!!!

Friday, March 17, 2006 5:06:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lloyd, do you mind to announce to the whole world who is your new coach? I guess your swing will improve significantly

Friday, March 17, 2006 5:39:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to admit that when i first read this article, I couldnt really understand what is in the author's mind but after having a deep thought,( eventhough i still dont really feel what he felt ;) ), I discovered that I actually learnt something from this article. I learned that sometimes in life, we need to stop being sceptical. He is in some way right about saying that most people will perceive golf as being an expensive sport that is catered for the rich and famous with no other values. Initially, I do have the same mentality and thats what stops me from continuing my golf lesson. After a great thought and having read this article, now I have a different perception about playing golf, and with that I really think that I should try to explore this game and give it another try. Yea, the author is right, patience is the key word, and I guess I can learn this virtue by playing golf again. :) Thanks for the well written article.

Monday, March 27, 2006 9:34:00 pm  

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