Film & Musical Workshop at SMJK Kwang Hwa (07.11.2008

Dear members,
As you all have known, we had a film and musical workshop with our fellow Interactors, students and teacher from SMJK Kwang Hwa on the 7th of November 2008. This film and musical workshop act as an eye opener to everyone present on that day as we are lucky enough to be able to invite two famous speakers to share their knowledge and experience on film and musical respectively.

Joining us for that workshop session are none other than our fellow Rotarians who is willing to take their time off just to support our event and I must say, they are really supportive towards our club activities.
By the end of the session, students were informed on the various available courses for them to choose on after they have left their high school period.
Credit goes to Rotaractor Aik Hooi for pulling off such a wonderful job and I am definitely looking forward to other event under the Professional Development Avenue. Members! Stay tune for further updates as we might be able to have a one day Salsa Dance class for members to try out next week.
Pictures attached for member who have missed it and I must say, you guys have really miss such an exciting event. Hehe! ><
Service Unite Us
Tan Jia Thiam