Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Office new 'facelift' & Selling of Recyclable Materials (Oct 19 2008)

By IPP Lee Hui Hui

Our meeting place (aka the Office) has been given a new 'facelift' about two weeks ago.
President Jia Thiam organised these in line by sending all collected recyclable materials.

Lots of items eg stationeries, banners was kept properly, neatly.
We even assembled the our club's recognition certificates (past year's RI Presidential Citation, DRR Citation and Chartered certificate) on the wall properly nailed.

Also, the carpet was vaccumed and the tiles floor (at the back near the toilet) was also mopped.

During our midst of cleaning, we found a starving black kitten hiding in the drawer..we wonder how it can survive without adequate food and about animal survival instinct.

I carried the kitten and put in ourdoors near the village houses where lots of stray cats go there to get their daily food...hopefully it will survive.

Gosh, it was a fruitful Sunday. The recyclable materials were all sold and we got Rm50 (photo above to proof this)

Our president predicted accurately on this that we will get Rm50 for our club community service fund. :)

Thanks guys and gals for the hardwork ( on behalf of Nanthini)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hui Hui

Great write up on the article. I am sure the little kitty will survive. Looking forward to see you again.

Jia Thiam

Saturday, November 01, 2008 7:57:00 pm  

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