By President Jia Thiam

We attended the District Rotaract Conference (DRC) at Eagle Ranch, Port Dickson. There were seven of us who attended the event.
Rtr. Gun and the rest of the gang arrived early and when I arrived at Eagle Ranch, they were playing beach volleyball.
I joined in later for the football activity. We did lots of stuff and activities during the event. Our Club Assembly was held in-conjunction with the DRC in which we discuss on some of the issues relating to the club’s status and how our club can do further to be improved.
After our club assembly, we attended the ice-breaking session which included some of the crazy activities such as beating egg white.
We’re quite lucky to have Rtr. Gun on our side as he has a vast amount of knowledge in beating egg white (Gun is an experience cook mar). And there’s some disgusting moment as well where rotaractors are required to eat raw egg yolk (Rtr Yogz..great team spirit, reason to get the organisers to give sugar for the meringue)
Besides that, we attended some of the seminar organized by Rotaract Club of Pudu. The seminar held was informative as they have experienced speakers who talk about self-realization, and Rotaractors from other club shares their past project amongst us and etc.

All in all, I am sure we had a great moment (lying down...zzzz)
We managed to hook up with old friends and exchange ideas on Rotaract.
Pictures above for memories...yup all of us in nice white collar t-shirts.