I was able to represent Rotaract Club Of Port Klang Centennial in attending the District Rotaract Assembly 2008 which was held from 26th – 27th April 2008, under the sponsorship of our Rotary Club of Port Klang.
We reached PGRM right on time for registration and also for the first plenary meeting but to our surprise, We, members of Port Klang Centennial were shocked by what we have discovered!

Kishans’ long lost brother Sunil…. See how they resemble each other?? My god…
And to add to that, they even have a similar personality, similar way of speaking, similar taste for women… Ooops, said too much. What the heck, everything the same!
We were lost for words…. The only obvious way to differentiate them was that Kishan wore braces. After the 1st plenary meeting ended, still flabbergasted, we went for lunch nonetheless.
Buffet lunch was served at the “Junction Lounge” (if I had remembered it correctly) with an array of international and local cuisines to tickle our taste buds. The likes of sushi, pastas, sweet and sour fish, cendol, salads, cakes, puddings, and waffles were all lined and ready for us.
Second plenary meeting which consists of workshop module were being conducted for the respective avenues of service. This year, the ‘International Service’ and ‘Community Service’ while the ‘Club Service’ and ‘Professional Development Service’ was being conducted together in separate classrooms. The ‘President’s course and the ‘secretary’s course were held in different other classrooms as well.
Being the incoming club service director, I attended my stipulated course with Balram (incoming and current PD director). Everything went productively and all ended right on time by five o’clock in the evening. We retired to our rooms as we have been given two hours of free and easy time to do what ever we wanted.
Feeling refreshed, we were ready to attend the next item which was the ‘gala dinner’. I was over excited that i lost all dignity I have and let Jia Thiam took this ridiculous picture of myself.

The setting for the night seems to be grand… What was I thinking; it should be grand as a very important ceremony was to be performed on stage that very night itself. Everyone was busy going round doing what they were supposed to. Has anyone ever been so ardent, passionate, hard working about completing a certain task other than our very own home grown rotaractors….?

We enjoyed the food, the events of passing over the DRR’ship from DRR Dinesh to incoming DRR Leik Hong, the revealing of the incoming district committee, and of course the round of drinks being offered around.

Saw how enthusiastic were we to even have this pic taken? I wonder why Kishan had to have that sun glasses on… We even took our air-time on the podium to take a Port Klang Rotaract Group photo.

Hui hui seems to be too tired to even lift her eyes or maybe it was the booze. What the heck, the rest of us looks sober enough but as a matter of fact it was the opposite… hehehehe…

Harley and Dicky looks stoned enough to not walk. James had a greaaat time with his new found romance with Kristine… Look at how insecure James was to hold her hand that tight and offer her an orchid strait from his lips… Awwww, how sweet that must be. I wonder what James got as reward from Kristine that night? Only James will truly know the answer to that question… hehehe

Everyone retired to their rooms to call it a night by about 12 midnight. Alaaah, say only retire to rooms, but the truth is everyone had their plans all thought out… Some went, clubbing (as expected), some went mamaking (something new), some went playing truth or dare (cant believe it, closed room affair… how come I was not notified??? Maybe I was to uptight kot…), and some went back to their rooms (Yaaam seeeeng, we were drinking beers over an old movie “Euro Trip”)
It was taken into calculation that not everyone will be able to attend the third and final plenary meeting which was about ‘GSE’ (Group Study Exchange), ‘Interota Seoul’, and ‘APRRC Bali’ due to deep slumber, or snuggling under some warm blankets, whilst those that did attend were not spared from the hangover from the night before.

Ooops, What was Kishan dreaming about?? Kesian Balram….
Everyone took their time in saying their goodbyes and exchanging contacts for future references before calling it a day at the DRA 2008. However, just before we left, we had witnessed an act of conspiracy towards a certain car owner. I think it was done out of gratitude kot… Well, what ever it may be, we have recorded it as “Spanar Jaya Season Finale”