Contributed by President Hui HuiLast weekend, our club had its annual AGM for election of incoming President and Vice President. The results are OUT!
Congratulations to:
President: Rtr Tan Jia Thiam

Incoming president Jia Thiam (age: 21 this year) is no stranger to club members. Currently he is the Community Service Director for the club this term.
Although he joined the club about a year ago, he is an indeed a helpful, athletic, bright and cheerful young man. He was the producer of the 3rd club installation’s opening ceremony video clip.
He also was part of the 4th Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract conference (APRRC Malaysia Rotaract D3300) organizing committee member (SAA for the ceremony and logistic committee member).
Also he is the eldest child in his family. Currently he is pursuing Bachelor of Business Management at Sunway University College. His hobby is watching anime.
His organizational and creative capability will definitely bring the club to new heights.
And not forgetting:
Vice President: Rtr Chew Way Wen

Incoming Vice President Brian Chew Way Wen (age: 21 this year) was a Youth Exchange Student to Brazil two years back. He is the eldest of the three siblings. His father is currently the member of Rotary club of Port Klang Centennial.
He was the chartered member of the club and past term International Service Director. Currently he is pursuing a degree in architecture. He is well liked for his can do attitude and organizational capability.
His main contributions and achievements are being the co-organizing chairperson for the two recent district events – ie District Interact Conference and 2008 District Rotaract Conference in Pangkor Island.
Also he was involved in the 4th Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference (APRRC) 2007 hosted in Malaysia organizing committee as SAA and logistic committee.
Let’s lend the ultimate support to these two leaders for the new Rotary term.
Labels: Announcement